Welcoming to All Friends, Old and New!! November 07, 2023Edmond Shan Long time no see, dear friends! As we step into November, we are thrilled to announce the official opening of Artgala's brand-new YM Gallery! We've undergone a comprehensive upgrade to...
The brand-new Yanming Art Gallery is now open! September 27, 2023Edmond Shan The brand-new exhibition space at the Yanming Art Gallery is now open! Located in Richmond Hill, this vibrant art space is dedicated to promoting and celebrating the rich tapestry of...
Framed Auston Matthews Hockey Jersey! August 01, 2023Edmond Shan Celebrating the greatness of Auston Matthews, the extraordinary hockey player currently shining with the Toronto Maple Leafs. In our gallery we have crafted a passionate and precise frame that perfectly...
Treasure Memory of Dou, Yiqiong Solo Exhibition: Twilight Brightened by Adjacent Moon, 2020-06-21,22,23 August 14, 2020Edmond Shan1 comment 《月近黛色浅》窦一琼国画作品个展圆满结束 2019年6月21、22、23日
Face 2020--Covid 19 Photo Exhibition Toronto June 23, 2020Edmond Shan 由“FACE2020“项目组委会组织的“FACE 2020加拿大多伦多疫情影像主题展”于2020年6月21日在昆士兰专业网上展厅开幕,展出了Grace Jiang、Richard Huang、Stella Hua、Tori Zhu等十三名华人摄影师拍摄的88幅作品,展览时间为20天。展览作品以全球人类一家共同抗疫为背景,以直接摄影与主观创意摄影等形式,呈现加拿大多伦多疫情下丰富多元的影像。 活动详情