Collection: Shi Mei 梅石

Mei Shi is artistic director of the Beijing pilot mainmast brand planning company. He is also a brand designer for 23 years and an abstract expressionist painter. His newest work is entitled "overflow of color." Mei believes that the pursuit of "charm" is an ideal state of art. His tyle charming, but also refers to poetry and painting of his own style.Its aesthetic is created naturally, without any artificial traces Mei shi said he is still practicing as he learns to be better artist everyday.

梅石梅石,本名梅實,主桅领航品牌策划公司的艺术总监, 23年的品牌设计师,同时也是一个抽象的表现主义画家。 梅石的画给认给以风起云涌, 彩霞万里的大气感觉。 忽而荷叶翻卷,山峰时隐时现,忽而夜阑听雨,铁马冰河入梦。梅石认为追求“神韵”是一种理想的艺术境界。风度韵致,也是指文书画的风格韵味,其美学特征是它自由传神,天生化成而没人工造作的痕迹,体现出清空谈远的心情。梅實正在实践他的艺术追求。  

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